Campaigns Grid

  1. Make a gift online

    To make a gift today click below or text GIVE at (855) 784-0706.

    We use “Network for Good” to process your gift in a secure manner.


  2. Make a 3-year pledge of an annual gift

    You can do this by texting PLEDGE at (855)784-0706

    Send checks to:
    GuateMaya Alliance
    P. O. Box 1076

    Charlottesville, VA 22902

  3. Give through a DAF, Donate Stock or Plan for a Legacy Gift

    • For DAF enter: Ixtatan Foundation, Inc DBA GuateMaya Alliance EIN 54-2020657
    • To donate stock click below to enter the symbol, quantity, and select GuateMaya Alliance 54-2020657

    For a planned gift: Contact us at [email protected]